Acer India recently announced that they won the Golden Peacock Awards 2017, for its innovative products and services. The company won this award for the Acer Swift 7 – one of the world’s thinnest laptops. The Swift 7 is 9.98mm thick and features an aluminium body. Golden Peacock Awards, instituted by the Institute of Directors, are regarded as a benchmark of corporate and product excellence worldwide and receives over 1,000 entries every year for various awards from over 25 countries worldwide.
The award ceremony was held on April 18th, 2017 at Hotel Grand Hyatt in Dubai (UAE). Commenting on the occasion, Chandrahas Panigrahi, CMO and Business Head, Acer India said, “We feel privileged to be awarded with the prestigious – Golden Peacock Innovative Product and Service Award. Winning this award highlights our dedication and passion towards innovation; moreover, it inspires us to continue our endeavor to work hard towards providing the best products and services to consumers that are at the cutting-edge of innovation and design.”