Apex Photo Academy was started about 8 years ago when film was still widely used in the photographic world. However, after the rise of digital photography, Apex kept pace with the changes and adapted their courses and curriculum to impart relevant knowledge and teach contemporary practices to their students. But their courses also take an effort to familiarise the students with film and the darkroom and also the history of photography, so that students understand the evolution behind the medium. Recently, the academy organised a 2-day workshop in Delhi with Tikka Ram from Jaipur, who uses a wooden camera with paper negatives. Each student got a chance to work with this camera and shoot and develop images independently. Apex also makes sure their students are exposed to modern photographic technology and get to work with state of the art equipment in the studio and the field. Their visiting faculty of professional photographers are chosen so as to ensure the students are exposed to contemporary practices and genres which are in demand presently.