OPPO India will launch its F25 Pro 5G on February 29th, 2024. It sports an ultra-slim 7.54mm profile and comes in Lava Red that transitions from rich burgundy colour to deep sunset tones. Its advanced 64MP triple-camera system pioneers 4K video recording on both—its front and rear—shooters to set a new high standard in the sub-INR25K smartphone market. The sleek … [Read more...]
Canon Interchangeable-lens remains no.1 in global market
EOS R8 Canon Inc. announced company’s interchangeable-lens digital cameras (digital SLR and mirrorless cameras) have maintained the No. 1 share of the global market for 21 consecutive years from 2003 to 2023. Canon’s EOS series of interchangeable lens digital cameras are imaging systems based on the basic concept of "Speed, Comfort, and High Image Quality," for which the … [Read more...]
Sony Introduces ECM-S1 wireless microphone
Sony has introduced the new wireless/streaming microphone ECM-S1. This cutting-edge microphone combines high quality sound capture with a lightweight design. With ECM-S1, Sony empowers video content creators with the ability to achieve superior audio recording across various shooting scenarios. ECM-S1 microphone has a compact and lightweight body and is equipped … [Read more...]
Nikon announced its maiden Wildlife contest – ‘Wonders of the Wild’
Nikon announced the launch of the first season of its ‘Wonders of the Wild’ photography and videography contest in collaboration with the Worldwide Fund for Nature -India (WWF-India). The contest aims to recognise and reward the acumen of Wildlife photographers and videographers in India who are passionate about capturing some of the breathtaking moments of flora & fauna … [Read more...]
Love Captured, Love Printed: Unique Gift Ideas from The House of Canon
Canon's guide to thoughtful gifting for Valentine's day. Below is a selection of heartfelt gifts that will make this Valentine's Day one to remember. PowerShot V10: Vlog your way The compact and stylish camera brings Canon’s imaging technologies in a pocketable design. Boasting an ergonomic form factor, this content creation powerhouse offers seamless and high-quality … [Read more...]