Canon India took Karanjoti village in the Thane district of Mumbai, Maharashtra under its wings through its CSR program, ‘Adopt a Village.’ Emphasising on Canon’s ‘3e’ which focuses on eye care, education and environment, this initiative began in 2012 and made a considerable impact to Ferozpur Namak village in Haryana and Maharaja Katte village in Bengaluru.
Speaking about Canon’s efforts in this direction, Mr. Kobayashi, President and CEO, Canon India said, “ At Canon India, we want to contribute by making Indian villages become self-reliant. Our target is to have six villages under the ‘Adopt a Village’ program by 2016.”
Over the next three years, Canon India aims to improve the school enrollment ratio by ensuring quality education and dependable infrastructure. Immediate steps will be taken to start an activity resource center that will be responsible for providing books, art and craft material, colours and sports equipment for school children. It will also arrange drinking water and co-ordinate with local education authorities for infrastructural improvements in the school.
The newly inaugurated vision centre will provide eye care facilities to the villagers of Karanjoti and neighboring areas. A city hospital will supervise its activities. Arrangements will also be made to transfer patients to other better equipped hospitals for surgery if the need arises.
To ensure that villagers can enjoy a green cover, Canon has kickstarted the improvement of the village environment by planting saplings. General health and sanitation awareness are being kept in check.