Huawei further expanded in the Indian retail market by launching a new smartphone series. The newly released Huawei Y336, Y541, Y625 and G620S will be priced between Rs.5499 and Rs.9499. These smartphones have been incorporated with enhanced camera features like dual LED flash, patented power saving technology for extended battery life and more.
Maintaining its third position in the global market, Huawei is going to implement its global strategy in India. Initially, the smartphones will be marketed through the company’s offline distributors across 1000 stores thereby flooding the mid-segment market.
“After the global success in the first half of 2015 with our smartphone sales crossing 50 million units, we are excited to launch our “Huawei Brand” series in India. The good news is that the new series will be available through the retail route where our customers can experience the products first hand. Keeping in mind the value proposition and commitment we offer to our consumers, Huawei is rapidly strengthening its after sales network to serve them better”, said Allen Wang, President of Consumer Business Group, Huawei Telecommunications India.
“To reach out to our consumers in key markets, Huawei range would be available through a strong distribution network in offline retail beginning with a 1000 stores roll out in the next 4-8 weeks. For the brand new series, we will be strengthening our presence with traditional multi-brand retailers and by partnering with top modern trade players such as Croma, Reliance Digital, Sangeetha Retail and The Mobile Store in key cities like Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai amongst others.” said P Sanjeev, Director Sales (Devices Business), Huawei Telecommunications India.
Huawei has invested strongly in research and development to cement their presence in the Indian market. Huawei’s largest R&D centre outside China and the Global Network Operations Centre (GNOC) is in Bangalore. The company owns more than 15,000 device patents, 60% of which are for smartphones.