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No year could carry such horrible memories as 2020. Last year, when I penned the ‘Welcome’ section for January, there was not even the faintest inkling of how our lives would change so quickly. Stress has become an inevitable factor in our lives and we are lucky, that with our interest in photography, we can reflect and reconnect with nature and enhance our creativity. All best wishes from the SP team for a healthy, happy and prosperous 2021! Like the imaging industry, media has also been facing challenging times and we all pray that a turn for the better is on the cards.
On the product front, the second half of 2020 saw a flurry of launches. The trend seems to be towards smaller and lighter bodies, fully articulated LCDs, dual card slots and in-body image stabilisation. With the advances in technology, there has never been a better time to update your equipment and improve your imaging skills.
H. S. Billimoria