On January 16, 2015, Konica Minolta India announced the launch of its new bizhub series model. With the launch of the new C221, Konica Minolta expands its offerings further, strengthening its A3 colour product portfolio.
Speaking on the occasion Mr.Y. Nakata, Managing Director, Konica Minolta India said, “These products will cater to growing SME market in India and reassert Konica Minolta’s commitment to make the finest and most affordable range of products. The C221 will enlarge our footprint in SME and Enterprise segments. With the introduction of this colour MFP, Konica Minolta will further strengthen its No. 1 position in the colour market, which is currently more than 25%.” The bizhub C221 MFP (multifunction printer) is equipped with Konica Minolta’s Emperon controller and an array of printing functions that enhance affinity with higher-end MFPs, as well as smart mechanisms that reduce noise, weight and size. It is compatible with mobile devices and cloud services. The model provides added benefits like user-friendly scanning functions as well as direct connectivity with USB devices, eliminationg the need for a PC. The Simitri toner makes use of lowtemperature fusing.
“We are very bullish about the new bizhub series C221 as it will open gateways for new opportunities for our business partners,” said Mr. Kuldeep Malhotra EGM(Sales) Konica Minolta India.
“We have always believed in introducing superior products with advanced technology for our customers. Konica Minolta has been swiftly stepping up to expand its product portfolio and increase its market share. With the launch of new bizhub C221 we aim to further establish ourselves as the market leader,” said Mr. V. Balakrishnan, EGM (Marketing) Konica Minolta India.