Nikon India has announced the Z 6 Filmmakers Kit for the Indian market on World Photography Day. Targeted at content creators and filmmakers, the kit will enable users to unlock Nikon Z 6’s advanced video features, along with lenses and multiple accessories. For a limited time period, the kit is being offered at a special price of Rs.382,832 instead of the original value price of Rs.504,240.
The Z 6 Filmmakers Kit includes a Nikon Z 6 mirrorless camera, Nikkor Z 24-70 mm f/4 S lens, Nikkor Z 50 mm f/1.8 S lens, Wireless Microphone ME-W1, Rechargeable Li-ion Battery EN-EL15b, Zhiyun Crane 3 Lab (Creator Package), Atomos Ninja V Recording Monitor, HDMI cable (4K), Hoya Filter HMC NDx4 72.0 mm, Hoya Filter HMC NDx8 72.0 mm, Hoya Filter HMC NDx4 62.0 mm, Hoya Filter HMC NDx8 62.0 mm and Hard case (type 6700).
Commenting on the introduction of the Nikon Filmmakers Kit, Sajjan Kumar, Managing Director, Nikon India, said, “On the occasion of World Photography Day, we are excited to announce the availability of the Nikon filmmaker’s kit which will enable users to leverage its hand-picked accessories. The idea behind creating this customised kit was to offer them a convenient method to purchase the relevant accessories in one go, providing an unmatched videography experience at a more competitive price point.”
The Nikon Z 6 full-frame mirrorless camera was awarded the EISA Camera of the Year 2019–2020.