On June 3, 2014, Microsoft Devices announced the launch of Nokia 225. This phone is available in bright colours and has a classic keymat phone design with a 2.8-inch display. It off ers aff ordable internet access through the cloudpowered Nokia Xpress Browser. Th e Nokia 225 is of value for first-time mobile phone buyers or for those who like to have a secondary phone, and is available at a best buy price of Rs.3329. It has a 2MP camera, preloaded Facebook and Twitter apps and Nokia’s SLAM technology, based on Bluetooth. Gameloft store is also preloaded with fi ve games ready to play. It also has an FM radio and is MP3 compatible, with a playback time of up to 51 hours and off ers up to 32GB Micro SD card support.
“Offering a rich media experience and simple functionality combined with Nokia trust and quality, the Nokia 225 enables us to bring the affordable mobile phone experience to consumers across the spectrum. It is a true testimony of our commitment to connect people to the internet.” said Sari Harju, Head of Mobile Phones, Nokia India Sales Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of Microsoft Mobile