Olympus Corp. announced that it will debut a flagship model in the Tough series, the Stylus TG-3, starting early June. The compact camera is water-proof till 15 metres, shock-proof from a fall of up to 2.1m and can endure temperatures as low as minus 10 degrees Celsius. It features a 1/2.3-inch Type 16 MP CMOS sensor and a 25-100mm f/2.0-4.9 4x zoom lens. The TG-3 has a 3-inch LCD monitor, incorporating GPS and Wi-Fi connectivity. The macro photo capability is improved to include a microscope mode that boosts images by 6.9x on the telephoto end and 13.6x at the macro end. The camera will become available in early June at an expected street price of 48,000 Yen.