Panasonic launched on July 17 the Lumix DMC-FZ1000, a new Bridge camera capable of taking 4K resolution or Ultra HD images. The camera features a 1-inch Type 20MP MOS sensor, a Leica DC Vario-Elmarit 25-400mm f/2.8-4 equivalent lens with integrated Smartphone Wi-Fi connectivity for remote control.
This is the first time that Panasonic will use 4K video capture technology on a lensmounted compact camera. For greater versatility, the camera has manual operation in Create Video mode and dramatic slow motion in full HD at 120 fps. A new linear motor integrated in the focus system achieves approximately 275% faster focusing as compared to the conventional DMC-FZ200. In addition, new DFD (Depth from Defocus) technology shortens the time to set the focus to achieve ultra high-speed AF of about 0.09sec (wide end)/ 0.17 sec (telephoto end). The hybrid optical image stabilizer with 5-axis correction provides a blur-free one-handed videoshooting ability.