Samsung announced the launch of the NX1 Smart Camera, which is the first to sport an APS-C sized BSI CMOS sensor. The 28MP BSI CMOS sensor utilizes Samsung’s advanced semiconductor technology. The new NX AF System III features 205 Phase-detect AF points, covering 90 percent of the frame. The camera allows 15 fps continuous shooting speed. The system also employs a patterned AF Assist Beam that reaches up to 15m and will help capture clear photos in low light. The NX1 also incorporates a new DRIMe V Image Processor and has built-in Adaptive Noise Reduction technology. The NX1 is capable of recording 4K video, and has a 2.36M-dot OLED EVF screen. It also offers Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.
Samsung also expanded its line of professional-grade S lenses with the introduction of a new telephoto lens, the NX 50-150mm f/2.8 S OIS lens. It is weather-sealed to resist dust and splashes, and covers a range equivalent to 77- 231mm on Samsung’s APS-C NX cameras. It includes 20 elements in 13 groups, and offers built-in stabilization and an i-Function button.