Samsung Electronics announced its new Smartphone with a specialized camera, the Samsung Galaxy K Zoom. The muchawaited device offers advanced digital camera technology with Samsung’s Galaxy Smartphone experience and is available in India from July 9, 2014. It offers effortless capturing ability, real optics and a premium design, providing users the mobile solutions they need with the ability to create professional-quality visual content in a fun, easy-to-use device.
Mr. Asim Warsi, V.P, Marketing, Mobile and IT at Samsung India said, “With the launch of Galaxy K Zoom, Samsung brings consumers a unique combination of a stylish Smartphone with advanced photography capabilities. Equipped with excellent image processing apps, new Galaxy K Zoom enables users to swiftly capture and share their memorable moments with ease.” The Smartphone has a 4.8-inch HD super AMOLED touch screen display and is equipped with Android 4.4 Kit Kat OS. It features a hexacore processor and has 2GB of RAM and 8GB internal memory expandable upto 64GB. The Galaxy K Zoom is a camera specialised Smartphone which offers an advanced technical camera system designed to offer the control and functionality of a professional camera. It is equipped with a new retracting lens technology which provides 10x optical zoom and a 20MP BSI CMOS sensor. It excels in low light conditions, has a Xenon flash and provides Optical Image Stabilizer (OIS) to reduce blur caused by movement. It also delivers Full HD video. The new device also integrates the most advanced camera usability features and functions, including
AF/AE Separation (Auto Focus/Auto Exposure Separation) for the precise balance of light and clarity, next-generation Pro Suggest mode which offers 5 optimized filter settings, Selfie Alarm that allows users to take timed selfies with ease, and object tracing for a clear, focused shot of a moving subject. Each feature comes with a simple User Interface, allowing users to easily capture photos and videos with ground-breaking quality, in any situation.
The compact and portable Smartphone features an ergonomic grip and a stylish build. Additionally, the Galaxy K Zoom offers all the features that consumers want in a flagshipGalaxy Smartphone, such as Ultra Power Saving Mode for minimizing battery consumption, S Health Lite for personalized fitness and lifestyle coaching, and a Studio app to allow users to easily edit their pictures and videos.
The Galaxy K Zoom is available in India from 9 July 2014 at Rs.29,999 on It will be available in three colour options including Charcoal Black, Electric Blue and Shimmery White.