At the World Mobile Congress Show in Barcelona its fifthgeneration flagship Galaxy S Smartphone, with stepped up Wi Fi and LTE performance, faster CPU, enhanced camera capabilities and fitness tools.
The S5 also has a fingerprint scanner, which can be used to unlock the device, unlock user selected content and make secure mobile payments. The phone runs on Android 4.4.2 and has a 5-inch display and is powered by a 2.5 Ghz quad core processor. It is also the industry’s first phone with built-in heart rate sensor and the first to combine Wi Fi 802.11 ac with 2×2 MIMO to accelerate Wi Fi speed, and it also bonds Wi Fi and LTE to further accelerate data speeds. LTE is upgraded to 150/50Mbps Category 4 LTE, Up to 8 bands of LTE will be supported. The Smartphone camera offers a 0.3 second autofocus speed and the ability to store Ultra HD video at 30 fps.
Samsung also announced a fitness band (promoted as the industry’s first) with a curved touchscreen display. The Gear Fit incorporates health-monitoring features and displays Smartphone notifications.
Both products and the previously announced Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo Smart watches will be available from April 11, 2014 in almost 150 countries.