Sony Electronics has launched its flagship full-frame mirrorless camera, the A7R II. The camera can deliver superior image quality due to the presence of the world’s first back-illuminated full-frame Exmor R CMOS sensor with a resolution of 42.4 MP. The A7R II has an ISO range of up to 102400. The camera further boasts of a 399 focal plane phasedetection autofocus points. Its response is 40% faster than its forerunner.
The A7R II receives a 5-axis image stabilisation system from the A7 II . Sony’s A7R II can also shoot and record 4K videos in multiple formats including 35mm and full-frame format. It also features an XGA OLED Tru-Finder with a viewfinder magnification of 0.78x. The A7R II is an NFC enabled camera with Wi- Fi compatibility. The camera is compatible with Sony’s PlayMemories camera apps, which helps in refining photographs. For instance, time-lapse photography has been made better due to the incorporation of ‘Angle Shift Add-On’ app that allows users to pan, tilt and zoom their time-lapse images without the use of any additional shooting equipment or software.