Sony has unveiled two of its compact digital cyber-shot cameras, the RX100 IV and RX10 II. The models will be made available in the US markets this July and thereafter to other markets. Both the models feature the world’s first 1 inch Type stacked Exmor RS CMOS sensor with advanced signal processing and an attached DRAM memory chip. Both the cameras are capable of capturing super slow motion videos at 40x at up to 960 fps. Both the models support 4K movie shooting.
The RX100 IV uses Zeiss Vario- Sonnar T* 24-70mm (35mm equivalent) f/1.8-2.8 lens while the RX10 II uses Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 24-200mm f/2.8 lens. Both the cameras are equipped with a new XGA OLED Tru-Finder with nearly 235 million dots of resolution ensuring true-to-life image preview and playback functionality. They also feature an enhanced Fast Intelligent AF system that enables speed, precision and contrast detection of a moving subject in as little as 0.09 seconds. The RX100 IV and RX10 II will be available for purchase at suggested prices of US$1,000 and $1,300 respectively.