Canon India, unveiled two additions to its EOS R series: the EOS R1 & EOS R5 Mark II. EOS R1 is the company’s first flagship EOS R system camera targeted at action genre photographers who need to capture the decisive moment even under severe shooting conditions, along with media & video production departments. The EOS R5 Mark II, a full-frame mirrorless … [Read more...]
Nikon Z 6 III hits Indian Markets
Nikon India Pvt. Ltd. launched Nikon Z 6 III in Mumbai at the Holiday Inn. Inheriting certain features from the top-of-the-line Z 9 and Z 8, the Z 6 III is equipped with the world’s first-ever partially-stacked CMOS sensor and superior AF capability for an exceptional performance and is ready to outperform. Commenting on the occasion, Sajjan Kumar, Managing Director of … [Read more...]
Fujifilm Instax Mini 99
The Fujifilm Instax Mini 99 is the latest addition to Fujifilm's line of instant cameras. The Instax Mini 99 boasts a retro-inspired design that is both stylish and ergonomic. Its compact size and lightweight build make it perfect for on-the-go photography. Available in one colors – Black. Notably, the Mini 99 features two shutter buttons, facilitating easier landscape … [Read more...]
Z6III hits markets
Nikon introduced the Z6III in India at an event held at Eros Hotel, Nehru Place, New Delhi. Inheriting features from the Z9 and Z8 models like in camera RAW and N-Log videos and EXPEED 7 processor delivering high-performance and industry leading specifications. Z6III developed with world's first-ever partially-stacked CMOS sensor and superior Auto Focus capability for an … [Read more...]
Nikon Z6III mirrorless camera to hit markets
Nikon India Private Limited has introduced the Z6III, its new high-performance Hybrid camera model that inherits the signature features of the Z9 and Z8, delivering high performance and exceptional specs in the full-frame mid-range class. "Continuing upon the legacy of our flagship Z series, the new Z6III stands tall as a pinnacle of performance in the full-frame … [Read more...]