Wacom, the global leader in pen tablets and displays, opened its second Demo Centre in India’s animation and design hub, Bangalore. The demo centre is situated at a very central and convenient location of Wilson Garden at #439, 3rd Cross, 6th Main. It was inaugurated by Wacom’s Asia-Pacific-Japan Director Komiyama Shigeki in the presence of Asia-Pacific Director Fujisaki Noboru and Wacom India Managing Director Manu Nanda
The Demo and Training centre is designed keeping in mind the need and comfort of the customers. The designers & design students can come and spend as much time to choose the best suitable product for them. Opened from Monday to Saturday, 10am to 6 pm, it has all the range of Wacom Creative, Consumer and Business Products on display and ready for trial.
“With an outstanding and overwhelming response to Wacom products from the design fraternity of Bangalore, it was our duty to reciprocate to them. The demo centre is a step in getting close to our existing customers and reaching out to our prospective ones,” said Komiyama.