Zoomin.com launched Photo Prints, an app that lets you print photos directly from your phone and have them delivered anywhere in India.“The ubiquity of camera enabled mobile phones has made everyone a photographer. There are thousands of apps to share, beautify and upload photos, and surprisingly almost none that offer a way to print physical copies. The Photo Prints app aims to capitalize on this emotional connect by offering its users the simplest way to order a set of photo prints,” said Sunny Balijepalli, Founder & CEO, Zoomin.com.
Users can order photo prints in four steps—select photos, choose a size and finish, enter a delivery address and pay using Cash on Delivery, credit card, debit card or Netbanking. The photos are uploaded, printed by ZoomIn and delivered to the mentioned address, anywhere in India.
This is a free app available for Android and Windows phones. It can be downloaded from www.zoomin.com/app. An iOS version will be available soon. ZoomIn has partnered with Samsung and Nokia to promote Photo Prints. A special offer is available to all Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 customers through the Samsung app store. Nokia’s flagship phone, the 41 megapixel Lumia 1020, has the Windows version of Photo Prints pre-installed on all devices sold in India with a special offer. Print prices start at Rs. 6 for a 4”x6” print, plus a Rs. 49 shipping fee.