BenQ introduced their latest creation, the W1080ST and the W1070, the world’s first Full-HD short-throw video projectors. The products were launched at CES 2013 and India simultaneously.
Both the models support multiple forms of 3D by directly connecting through 2 HDMI 1.4 ports to various devices like Blu-Ray, 3D broadcasting, video games, PC etc. with NVIDIA 3DTV PC connectivity. They also feature built-in 10W speakers and the SmartEco power saving feature. The BenQ W1080ST, the first short-throw Full-HD video projector is capable of projecting a 100 inch big screen in just 1.5meters.
“It has been our constant endeavor to provide the best technology to our consumers to enjoy the ultimate big screen entertainment in their living rooms, we continue to bring the same excitement in 2013 with the launch of world’s first full HD short-throw video projectors W1080ST & W1070”, said Rajeev Singh, Country Head & General Manager, BenQ India. In addition, the models are ISF-certified by the Imaging Science Foundation. BenQ has maintained leadership with more than 44% market share in the short throw projector category in India, serving a complete range of home entertainment, lifestyle and educational product line-up. In 2013, BenQ has stepped forward to combine short-throw technology with Full-HD video projectors to bring better products. The W1070 and W1080ST are available at a price (MRP) of Rs 1,00,000 and Rs. 1,10,000 respectively across India.