Smartphones have become so smart that they have started replacing many other gadgets. Triggering a digital camera through a Smartphone is the latest trend. But Wi-Fi–based triggers can work only with cameras and other devices with built-in Wi-Fi. Triggertrapoers a smart solution that can trigger even your old digital cameras and ashguns, expanding the creative possibilities.
Triggertrap Mobile app can be used to trigger either a compatible D-SLR or an electronic ashgun with the help of the Triggertrap Mobile Dongle as an interface device. To trigger a D-SLR, you need to purchase a connection cable compatible with your camera. If you need to trigger a ashgun using the device, you have to purchase the Flash Adaptor. The Mobile Dongle can be connected to your Smartphone via the 3.5mm audio jack.
The Mobile app can be used to trigger the camera in various ways. The options include Time Warp, Time Lapse, Vibration/Shock Sensor, Sound Sensor, Distance Lapse, Star Trail, Bulb Ramping Time Lapse, Cable Release, Long Exposure HDR, Long Exposure HDR Time Lapse, Wi-Fi Slave, and Wi-Fi Master. Cable Release o ers four optionsSimple Cable Release (Tap the bu on to release shuer), Press and Hold (Touch to start, release to stop), Press and Lock (Touch to start, Touch again to stop), and Timed Release (Choose your shu er speed and tap on the bu on). Timelapse mode allows you to trigger the device at set intervals. Time warp, on the other hand, allows you to trigger it with precisely set timings. Distance lapse allows you to trigger the device at set intervals of distance. For this, the app uses the in-built GPS of the Smartphone to calculate the distance travelled. In Star Trail mode, you can set the number of exposures, duration of exposure, and the time interval between successive shots. Bulb Ramping allows you to make a time lapse exposure with precisely varying exposures to take care of the change in daylight as the day progresses. Sound sensor makes use of your Smartphone’s microphone to detect the surrounding sound and trigger the device when the sound level crosses a set threshold value. You can even nely adjust the sensitivity of the microphone so that it matches the triggering sound.
Both the Triggertrap Mobile Dongle kit and the Flash Adaptor carry an MRP of Rs.3500 each, while the camera connection cable is priced at Rs.1100.
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Sujith Gopinath