Polish photographer Mateusz Mart yna won the Carl Zeiss Photo Contest 2012, which focussed on the theme, “ The moment that knows no limits”.
As with the previous two contests conducted, this year ’s editions was held via the Flickr photo communit y. Mart yna’s winning image, ‘Handplant at Tatra Mountains’, interprets the contest theme in a spectacular way. The image shows Tomasz “ Tylas” Tylka, a well-known Polish snowboarder, performing a daring flip.
Carl Zeiss invited photographers from around the world to turn their ideas into exciting images from the middle of December 2012 until mid-January 2013. The entry image had to be shot with a ZEISS lens.
Around 1,900 votes were cast by the Flickr community during the two-week evaluation period. With a total of 557 votes, the winning image was clearly ahead of the rest.
The second-place winner was Mac Kwan from China, and the third-place winning image was shot by Zoe Myint from Dubai