IMS Mercantiles Pvt. Ltd. has introduced the Digitek Flash Bot Professional Flash Accessories (DFB-001) in India. These accessories are ideal for pre-weddings, weddings and outdoor shoots.

Flash Bot Grip uses magnets to attach light modifiers to a flashgun thus doing away with sticky adhesives, noisy Velcro and bulky straps.

Flash Bot Sphere is an omni-directional flash diffuser for soft, controllable lighting. The Flash Bot Sphere increases the size of the light-emitting surface by 250 percent, thus making the light softer and more controllable. Additionally, it offers a built-in slot for coloured gels, which allows you to change the colour of the light for creative purposes.

Flash Bot Bounce is a white, textured diffuser made of silicon that softens the light without significantly decreasing the flash output.

Flash Bot Grid focusses the light from the flash in a 40-degree beam pattern, without substantial spill. The grid is made of durable silicone rubber and offers even light coverage.

Flash Bot Gel Mount allows you to stack different coloured gels for creative purposes.

Flash Bot Gels are available in Cyan, Rose, Coral, Amber, Aqua, Pink, Lavender and Lime colours for creative lighting effects.