Epson, India, announced it was likely to achieve a turnover of Rs. 500 crore this fiscal (2010-11), which is a growth of 25percent from last year’s turnover of Rs. 400 crore.
With ambitious plans in place, Epson said that the company is confidently targeting the Rs.1000 crore mark by 2015, if not earlier. The company aims at offering solutions that make life easier, convenient and less time-consuming.
According to Mr. Samba Moorthy, Senior General Manager, Sales & Marketing, Epson India has created a strong reputation for quality and reliability. Epson Dot-Matrix Printers enjoy a market share of approximately 53 percent, Inkjet Printers and All in Ones 14 percent, Point of Sale printers 52 percent and Projectors 14 percent. In all these categories Epson features as the No.1 or No.2 brand. With the objective of building Epson into a power brand in the next 3-5 years the focus will be on programs that have already been set in motion.