Of late and rather untypically we have been receiving a lot of moans and groans about the rising prices of new cameras, particularly D-SLRs. Value for money, of course, is a complicated concept and it means different things to different individuals. A high price does not necessarily mean poor value. Canon’s new EOS 5D Mark IV may look costly at more than Rs 3 lakhs for the body but is it expensive compared to the way prices for other items have risen over the last 2-3 years? Remember that we all want our cameras to have the latest technology, the best imaging quality and the best handling. All this costs money. A declining rupee has also not helped. Also remember that camera manufacturers have faced a declining market (especially for compacts) for the last few years and are under tremendous pressure to arrest declining profitability. Finally, it is you the reader/consumer who decides whether a product is value for money or overpriced and the fate of manufacturers is decided by your buying decisions.
As you read this issue, the SP – T3 Awards will be announced. Our jury has already deliberated but the Camera of the Year will be revealed only at the venue on February 10. Any guesses?
H. S. Billimoria