Moser Baer recently unveiled India’s first scratch-proof, water and heat resistant range of optical discs. The range comprises of ‘Moser Baer Platinum’ and ‘Kodak’ DVD-Rs and CD-Rs.
This unique product will allow users to store data safely for years without letting the quality wither away, either due to scratches or the effects from heat or moisture.
While the Moser Baer Platinum range of DVD-Rs and CD-Rs come equipped with ‘Scratch Guard’ technology, thereby ensuring that its not only scratch-proof, but also water resistant and heat resistant as well. In fact, the usage of the ‘Patented Dye Technology’ further makes it resilient and ensures data protection for 100 years under standard operation and storage conditions.
Kodak range of DVD-Rs feature the unique Kodak True Gold Preservation DVD-R (4.7 GB/16X/120 mins) comes with 24 carat reflective Gold coating to promote longer life. The range is scratch resistant, damage and data-loss proof owing to the presence of an extra tough triple scratch resistant technology. Using superior burn technology, the discs have been tested to have up to 150 years of archival period for protecting memories till eternity under standard storage and operating conditions.
The products are available nationally at over 100,000 outlets across the country and are reasonably priced to suit the needs of the Indian customers.