Samsung India has inaugurated its largest Premium Experience Store in Telangana at the Inorbit Mall in Hyderabad, and announced attractive offers on select Galaxy devices. The new store highlights Samsung’s entire product ecosystem through exciting zones around Samsung’s connected ecosystem SmartThings, smartphones, laptops, audio, gaming, and lifestyle televisions. The store … [Read more...]
macOS Sonoma brings all‑new capabilities for elevating productivity and creativity
Apple previewed macOS Sonoma, the latest version of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system, bringing a rich set of features that elevate the Mac experience. Users can now place widgets right on the desktop, interact with them with just a click, and through the magic of Continuity, access the extensive ecosystem of iPhone widgets on their Mac. In macOS Sonoma, video … [Read more...]
iPadOS 17 brings new levels of personalisation and versatility to iPad
Apple previewed iPadOS 17, delivering entirely new ways for users to personalise the Lock Screen and interact with widgets. Messages gets significant updates, including a new stickers experience, and users can now leave FaceTime video and audio messages. The health app comes to iPad with interactive charts, and HealthKit enables developers to create innovative experiences … [Read more...]
Apple Updates iOS 17
Apple announced iOS 17, a major release that upgrades the communications experience across Phone, FaceTime, and Messages; makes sharing even easier with AirDrop; and provides more intelligent input that improves the speed and accuracy of typing. iOS 17 also introduces new experiences with Journal, an app that makes it easy for people to practice gratitude, and StandBy, a new … [Read more...]
Apple announces M2 Ultra
Apple announced M2 Ultra, a new system on a chip (SoC) that delivers huge performance increases to the Mac and completes the M2 family. M2 Ultra is built using a second-generation 5-nanometer process and uses Apple’s UltraFusion technology to connect the die of two M2 Max chips, doubling the performance. M2 Ultra consists of 134 billion transistors — 20 billion more than M1 … [Read more...]