A serious photographer is constantly on the lookout for pictures that will make him stand out from the rest. His mind works like a darkroom, mentally developing pictures and looking for ways to enhance them. The hesitant beginner usually has the “lack of picture opportunity in the vicinity” excuse. This article deals with using “the eye” and how it helps you find images, even in your backyard.
Aswathi. J. Nair
Traveling is the fire that keeps alive the soul of most camera junkies. However, it is the same fire that often leaves a gaping hole in your pocket. The traveling process is definitely a way of de-stressing for many who look for change, and a learning experience for all who pack their bags and take off at any given opportunity. If you have done your homework before embarking on a trip, you may discover never-seen before sights that often lead to never-seen before photographs (provided you have the ability to recognize an opportunity, and if you know what to do with your camera).
At the risk of sounding clichéd I’m going to say this, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. What I imply is that good photographs need not necessarily be 3,600 kilometers away from you. A photo opportunity is consistently available around you, be it of any genre; nature, landscape, portrait, sports etc. I say this in actuality, there can never be a dull moment when you have your camera with you. If you find yourself stuck in some remote village, or a relative’s place during one of those dreaded family visits, instead of wallowing in self pity, I recommend you turn on your ‘photographer’s eye’, and wander around looking for portfolio-worthy images. Imagine yourself to be a warrior, an adventurer on a trip, or anything you want as long as it evokes your creativity. Photographing solo is any day better than going with a group where the whims and fancies of your fellow travelers and the time constraints can frazzle your nerves, and most importantly by going alone you do not end up with images similar to the ones taken by others.
The images featured here were taken during a trip to Kerala, where I had to visit every relative and their grandmother. The locations here are backyards, living rooms, wells, kitchens, etc.
My two cents for the solitary traveler
A rubber bucket and a well, one of the most common sights in Kerala. What caught my eye here was the striking patterns formed in the water by the surrounding trees, cable and sky, which are normally overlooked
Henry Miller, the American novelist and painter put it simply when he wrote, “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” I hope this little piece had some impact on those who were skeptical about their start. So go on, take the first step, explore and capture the world in your own way! |