A silhouette is a shape without detail. Silhouettes are often very effective against an inspiring sky. The trouble is, whilst we can often get interesting silhouettes, we don’t necessarily get them against the sky of our choice. In such cases, using Photoshop, we can combine a silhouette with a sky of our choice. 1. Open both the images – the silhouette as well as the sky … [Read more...]
Getting Rid of Reflections from the Face
Highlights on a face adds impact to a portrait. But very bright highlights can be distracting. The shine could be because of an oily skin, or a reflection from an electronic flash. Here is a simple way to get rid of the problem.Rohinton Mehta1. Open the photo in Photoshop . Press the F7 key if the Layers palette is not open. Make a copy of the Background by dragging the … [Read more...]
Photoshop Element Workshops
Most beginners stay away from post-processing because they think that the task is too daunting or beyond the scope of their understanding. Here is a chance to prove yourself wrong! SMART PHOTOGRAPHY offers an opportunity to all interested photographers to join the workshop and learn under the able guidance of Uncle Ronnie.The workshop on Photoshop Elements will be conducted … [Read more...]
How Does It Work?
Highlight Tone Priority (Canon) / Active D-Lighting (Nikon)In high-contrast situations, digital cameras tend to burn out highlights and block shadow details. When set, this feature provides better details in both, highlights and shadows (but it does tend to lower some contrast). How? The camera automatically underexposes the scene (ever so slightly) so that highlights are … [Read more...]
Are You Autofocusing Accurately?
One of the major complaints we receive relate to lack of sharpness in photos. Most users attribute the lack of sharpness to their lenses and in some cases, the camera body itself. (Very few accept that their technique or their lack of understanding of the technology has to do anything with it!). Whilst it is not impossible to have a lens (or a camera body) that is … [Read more...]