Canon India Pvt Ltd launched five new cloud enabled inkjet printers to their PIXMA line-up, the MG7170, MG6470, MG3570, MG2570 and MG2470. This range of products is directed at the tech-savvy Indian youth and can take print commands via Wi-Fi and Cloud connectivity. They have the option of Smart device connectivity. The new Access Point Mode will allow wireless printing without … [Read more...]
Nikon announces world’s first Water and Schock-proof ILC
On September 19, Nikon announced the world’s first waterproof and shockproof interchangeable lens camera, the Nikon 1 AW1. The camera can be used upto15 meters underwater, works upto -10 degrees Celsius and is shockproof from a fall of two metres. It features a 14.2 megapixel CX-format CMOS sensor and an EXPEED 3A image processing engine. It has an ISO range of 160 to 6400, a … [Read more...]
Nikon to sell LED Light
Nikon Corp. will launch a compact LED light for Nikon 1 and Coolpix cameras that can be used to provide light to still images and movies recorded at a close distance. The LD-100 LED light features a diffusion panel that enables a natural rendering of textures with a soft light, ideal for close-ups and still photography. The degree and effects of continuous lighting can be … [Read more...]
Sony to release Hi-Res Audio Players and Walkman
Sony will be releasing a new audio system that plays high resolution music and other audio files 3 to 7 times higher in quality than a conventional music CD. The topof- the-line Walkman ZX1 features aluminium monocoque body, with a built-in digital amplifier. It has a built-in memory of 1.5 GB, which allows storage of about 800 music pieces. The company will launch fourteen … [Read more...]
Nikon debuts D610 D-SLR
Nikon has announced its latest FX-format HD-SLR, the D610, successor to D600. Like the D600, it offers a 24.26 megapixel FX-format (35.9 x 24mm) CMOS imager, EXPEED 3 image processing engine. The continuous shooting is improved to 6 fps from 5.5 fps, and a quiet mode is added to 3 fps burst shot in the D610. … [Read more...]