For Online Subscription Digital Subscription Are mirrorless cameras finally coming of age? Sony’s Alpha series has been in an all conquering mode. Fujifilm’s APS-C mirrorless line-up is impressing all and sundry and the Micro Four Thirds twins, Olympus and Panasonic, have come up with winners in the form of the EM-1 Mark II and the Lumix GH5. After autofocus, digital … [Read more...]
May 2017
For Online Subscription Digital Subscription As things change rapidly in the imaging world, we cannot help but look at the associated world of high fidelity music. In the1980’s, the compact disc replaced the vinyl album or so we thought. Those who threw away their turntables and their records must be rueing their decisions. Vinyl albums have made a huge comeback and there … [Read more...]
April 2017
For Online Subscription Digital Subscription Smart Photography started its publishing journey 12 years ago at around the time the last analogue SLR was launched. Since then, the digital bandwagon has completely conquered the market. A significant change like that brings in its wake a lot of pain. All the film manufacturing companies (bar Fujifilm) virtually disappeared. … [Read more...]
March 2017
For Online Subscription Digital Subscription This month, a lot of the space in the magazine is devoted to the 12th S P Awards held in association with our sister publication, T 3. These awards showcase the best that the industry had to offer in the previous year and are the end result of intensive work put in, not only by our editorial team but also by our very capable … [Read more...]
February 2017
For Online Subscription Digital Subscription Of late and rather untypically we have been receiving a lot of moans and groans about the rising prices of new cameras, particularly D-SLRs. Value for money, of course, is a complicated concept and it means different things to different individuals. A high price does not necessarily mean poor value. Canon’s new EOS 5D Mark IV … [Read more...]