Sony India today announced the Alpha 7R V (model ILCE-7RM5) as the newest R series camera in its acclaimed line of Alpha mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras. The Alpha 7R V combines Sony’s highest resolution image sensor with a new AI processing unit dedicated to AI-based image recognition – a first in any Alpha camera – as well as the powerful BIONZ XR image processing … [Read more...]
Panasonic Introduce LUMIX S5II and S5IIX mirrorless cameras
Panasonic launched the new hybrid full-frame mirrorless camera LUMIX S5II as the latest addition to its LUMIX S Series line-up for the Indian market. Lumix S5II body has been prized at INR 1,94,990, LUMIX S5II kit with Lumix 20-60mm F3.5-5.6 Lens at INR 2,24,990, and a LUMIX S5II combo kit at INR 2,44,990 with a set of two lenses Lumix 20-60mm F3.5-5.6 Lens and Lumix S 50mm … [Read more...]
Sony Unleashes ILME FX30 Camera
Sony India today announced the latest addition to the Cinema Line – the FX30 (ILME-FX30). The new FX30 is a 4K Super 35 compact cinema camera that offers many professional features of the Cinema Line, such as Dual Base ISO, Log shooting modes and user imported LUTs. Sony has launched the camera in two variants – FX30 (Body + XLR Handle) and FX30B (Body only). “The new … [Read more...]
Nikon Introduce NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8 lens
Nikon India Private Ltd. introduces the NIKKOR Z 26mm f/2.8, the slimmest and lightest in the NIKKOR Z lens line-up, making it an ideal full-time companion for the Z series cameras. The full-frame/FX-format lens strikes an optimum balance between advanced functionality and unobtrusive size. The NIKKOR Z 26 mm f/2.8 lens is priced at INR 46,495/- and will be available to … [Read more...]
Nikon Launch NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S
Nikon India Private Ltd. introduces the NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S, the latest S-Line lens. The lens delivers high-quality impression of dramatic and romantic portraits and is designed with a fast and highly accurate autofocus (AF) that enables users to maximize the shallow depth of field of f/1.2. The NIKKOR Z 85mm f/1.2 S lens is priced at INR 2,57,995/-and will be available to … [Read more...]