Moto G9 Motorola has launched the Moto G9, a “made in India, made for India” smartphone, at a special discount of INR 500 as a part of its special launch offer. The G9 comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 mobile platform with 4 GB RAM and 64 GB built-in storage. It features a 48MP primary sensor that comes with Quad Pixel technology, Night Vision mode and a large f/1.7 … [Read more...]
Poco Announces M2 Smartphone
Poco M2 (Pitch Black) Poco has launched M2, which is reportedly, its most affordable smartphone with a 6GB RAM. The smartphone comes with a MediaTek Helio G80 octa-core processor with two Cortex-A75 cores at 2.0GHz and six Cortex-A55 cores at 1.8GHz. With MediaTek’s gaming features, Poco aims to provide an optimised gaming experience. With 6GB of RAM to go with the … [Read more...]
Xiaomi Launches Redmi 9i
Redmi 9i Xiaomi has announced the Redmi 9i as a part of their Redmi series of smartphones. The 9i aims to break the memory barrier that exists in the sub-10K segment. The smartphone features a 16.5 cm HD+ IPS LCD display with a 20:9 aspect ratio with TÜV Rheinland Low Blue Light certification, allowing better visibility in reading mode. Powering it is the octa-core … [Read more...]
Superior performance for creative professionals
With the rise of the creator economy, access to the right equipment sets a professional apart and helps in getting the attention of common masses. In the age when a creator only has a timespan of seconds to get noticed for their work, making a choice of technology support becomes difficult for many. HP comes to the rescue with the HP ENVY 15 built for professionals … [Read more...]
Panasonic to Update Firmware
Panasonic has announced that it will be releasing firmware updates for the Lumix Digital Single Lens Mirrorless cameras S1R, S1H and S1 to enhance functions and usability, by the end of 2020. The new firmware would enable the S1R to record 5K video, making the most of its high-resolution image sensor. The release also states that the AF technology of the new Lumix S5 will … [Read more...]