Huawei announced that it will release its AI-powered real-time cinema feature in its Mate series of smartphones in India. The upcoming devices will support the adjustment of hue, saturation, and brightness. They will also feature pre-set modes such as AI Colour, Vintage, Fresh, Suspense and Background Blur. In addition, the devices will also identify and isolate the colors of a … [Read more...]
Google Releases Night Sight Feature for Pixel Phones
Google globally released Night Sight, a night mode feature for its Pixel phones, last night. It is available as an update to the Google Camera app on Play Store. The Night Sight feature helps capture detailed images in low-light conditions without the use of a flash or tripod. Google had first announced Night Sight at its Made by Google event in October this year while … [Read more...]
Fujifilm India Launches Smartphone Printer, Taylor Swift Edition Camera
Fujifilm India announced the launch of its new Instax SHARE Smartphone printer SP-2, which can print credit-card-sized instant photos in 10 seconds. The company also launched Instax SQUARE SQ6 Taylor Swift Edition camera and Instax SQUARE Film Taylor Swift Edition for Instax lovers and fans of musician Taylor Swift. The Instax SHARE Smartphone printer SP-2 lets users print … [Read more...]
Fujifilm India Opens First Exclusive ‘X’ Store in Jaipur
Fujifilm India inaugurated its first exclusive X Store, showcasing the latest range of X and GFX Series mirrorless cameras and accessories in Jaipur. The flagship store is spread across an area of 140 sq ft and will be a one-stop shop catering to the needs of professional photographers. The product lineup includes the complete range of Fujifilm’s mirrorless digital cameras … [Read more...]
Sony Announces Travel High Zoom Camera Line-Up
Sony India has announced the launch of DSC-WX800, the first in the series of new travel high-zoom cameras. The cameras are designed for users who want an unobtrusive camera that can be carried at all times and offer a versatile zoom range from 24mm at the wide end up to 720mm at the telephoto end. The camera can also record 4K2 movie footages. The 18.2 megapixel camera is … [Read more...]