In the seventies and the eighties, Pentax (then Asahi Pentax) was a name to reckon with. Their ‘mostsold’ film SLR was the Pentax K1000, which was very reliable and easy to use and was hence seen in almost every photographers’ kit-bag. Somehow, with the advent of the digital era, Pentax lost its way. Though in the recent times, they have been trying for a revival of their lost … [Read more...]
It Takes Two to Tango-Canon EOS 760D with 18-135mm lens
Canon has recently launched the twins, EOS 750D and 760D, the latter featuring some cosmetic improvements over the former. Finally, the camera is with us on our test bench. Canon EOS 760D is the latest offering from Canon, featuring a 24.2-megapixel APS-C sensor. The camera features WiFi and NFC, along with a fully articulated LCD and premium build quality. Design and … [Read more...]
Reaching for the alpha rank-Sony Alpha 77 II
When the major players in the market toyed with the idea of mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras, Sony tried to revive the large-bodied cameras and make it coexist with their mirrorless counterparts by reinventing the mirror. The Sony SLT (Single Lens Translucent) cameras have been around for some time, and the company has recently upgraded their APS-C flagship, the SLT A77 … [Read more...]
Sensible Release – Canon Power- Shot G5x
The role of compact cameras has been almost completely taken over by smartphones, mainly due to convenience. To differentiate between a camera and a smartphone, camera manufacturers had to innovate, and the result is the segment now known as premium compacts. These are essentially compact cameras with larger-than-usual sensors (mostly 1-inch Type), wider maximum apertures and … [Read more...]
Pocket Boomer – Sony Cyber-shot WB500
Compact cameras have become smarter and more professional with larger-than-usual sensors, better processors and superior optics. This development, combined with better cameras in smartphones, have largely been able to check the success of small-sensor compacts. Yet, the prohibitively high prices of most of these ‘professional’ compacts make it out of bounds for most compact … [Read more...]