Canon has recently launched the twins, EOS 750D and 760D, the latter featuring some cosmetic improvements over the former. Finally, the camera is with us on our test bench. Canon EOS 760D is the latest offering from Canon, featuring a 24.2-megapixel APS-C sensor. The camera features WiFi and NFC, along with a fully articulated LCD and premium build quality. Design and … [Read more...]
A superlative manual focus wide-angle lens! – Zeiss 28mm f/1.4 Otus APO Distagon T* Lens
This new offering from Zeiss is the first wide-angle and the third overall in the Otus series of premium grade lenses. As with all Zeiss D-SLR lenses, this is a manual focus only lens but with electronic contacts. This particular model is available in Canon and Nikon mounts. Zeiss is one of the few manufacturers who deliver their lenses with a signed inspection card indicating … [Read more...]
All-weather Prime – Tamron SP45mm f/1.8 Di VC USD
Third party lens manufacturers have been traditionally considered budget options for major camera brands. However, of late, these manufacturers have started bringing out premium lenses with superior optics, sturdy construction, and fast apertures, competing directly with the camera manufacturers. The new Tamron SP series prime lenses are manufactured with the same principles in … [Read more...]
Stream on-the-go! – WD My Passport Wireless
With mobile devices creeping into every part of our lives, on-board storage becomes a limitation, especially if you have one of those high-megapixel and 4K capable smartphones or tablets. The Western Digital (WD) My Passport Wireless lets you share and backup data wirelessly from your smart gadgets and computers. The drive is portable and has an SD card slot in case you want to … [Read more...]
Sensible Release – Canon Power- Shot G5x
The role of compact cameras has been almost completely taken over by smartphones, mainly due to convenience. To differentiate between a camera and a smartphone, camera manufacturers had to innovate, and the result is the segment now known as premium compacts. These are essentially compact cameras with larger-than-usual sensors (mostly 1-inch Type), wider maximum apertures and … [Read more...]